I read the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.
1. There were countless stories and experiences as well as personal traits and career decisions in Steve Job's life that surprised me and I had no idea about. But what surprised me the most was how he was able to transform his life from the very rough beginning he had, including being given up for adoption, dropping out of college, being very poor and struggling to get by in his 20's, and eventually even getting kicked out of his own company in 1985, to becoming CEO of one of the richest and most profitable companies ever. It is a testament to just how brilliant he was and how hard he worked to overcome the adversity in his life. I strongly admired his work ethic and confidence. Even though he had a small beginning, he never doubted his worth, and throughout his poor college experience, always knew he was smart and would be successful. He was smart enough to understand that computer technology was the business of the future and enrolled himself in technology classes in high school and partnered himself with the right people, like Steve Wozniak, to achieve his goals. What I least admired about Jobs was his treatment of others, specifically ones he managed and felt were below him. He acted as a very authoritarian leader and would often yell and scream at employees. Early on in his partnership with Steve Wozniak, they struck a deal with Atari for $5,000 and were supposed to split the money 50/50, yet Jobs told Wozniak that they made far less than that and so Jobs ended up taking home over $4600. Jobs was also non charitable and offered very little to philanthropic efforts. He was someone that was completely focused on himself and his goals.
2. Above everything else, Steve Jobs was most competent, and often brilliant in his innovative designs and decision making. The Ipod's signature design along with its innovative scroll wheel were created by Jobs, he knew what would work and what would sell. Jobs used his experiences in his life to help him design and craft these products too, including taking inspiration from a calligraphy class he audited in college to shape the design of the Ipod. Jobs also knew that computer technology and software was the business to get into and he ended up revolutionizing the industry as we know it. Finally, partnering with Wozniak was a genius move because he was everything Jobs was not, a genius in the building and crafting of the product. Together with Jobs's innovative ideas and Wozniak's technological skill, they were able to co found one of the most successful businesses ever together.
3. What confused me most in the reading was why Jobs elected to neglect his doctor's ruling to take immediate action and have surgery once he was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer and instead try his own treatment of a change of diet and psychic evaluation. This decision could partly be attributed to the 7 months he spent in India studying Zen Buddhism and maybe this was a factor in his decision. But I would think that a man as brilliant as Jobs would understand to trust a doctor over his own non proven ways of treating cancer. This decision to wait until months later to have surgery is one of the reasons why Jobs died at the age he did.
4. My first question would be: Did you always know that you were going to be successful? I am curious because as a college dropout that struggled to get by, I can imagine it is discouraging and hard to see a path to success, especially early on in his business where they were not making much money.
My second question would be: What gave you the idea for the designs and innovation you put into Apple's products? It is truly remarkable how Jobs was able to have these visions of attributes to his product designs that would not only work and be practical, but be something that others had never thought of before.
5. Yes I share Jobs's opinion of hard work. Being brilliant and innovative is nothing without working hard to achieve your goals. Jobs was also adamant about doing work that you loved, and that you would work harder if you were working on something that you were passionate about. I also share that belief and hope to find an area of specialization in the business field that I am passionate about and pursue my goals.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Assignment 12A: Figuring out Buyer Behavior No. 1
Studied Segment: Based on previous experiences talking to people about this product, I have come to the conclusion that concerned parents of teenagers in high school or going off to college would be the strongest target market for an installed breathalyzer to start your car. So, I have chosen the segment of parents of students in high school, in college, or of young adults. My first interview was with my friends parent, a female with a freshman in an out of state college. Her son brought his car up and she has this need because if something were to happen, she cannot get to his location so quickly. Another person I interviewed was a teacher from my high school who has a teenage son that is currently a junior in high school and just got his licence a few months ago. My last interview was with a neighbor who has a daughter in high school currently, and believes she will have the need to purchase this product in a very soon as her daughter enters driving age.
Need Awareness: The unmet need is guaranteed safety, or as close to it as possible, for new drivers or college students who are prone to go out frequently, from parents who are very concerned about the possibility of their kids driving while under the influence or being driven by someone who is drunk. Above anything else, the safety and well-being of their children is the most important thing for most parents, and a product that takes huge steps in ensuring safety and protection from one of the top killers of teens and young adults is bound to answer this need.
Information Search: When asked about how they gather information when searching for a solution to a problem or need, i received very similar answers across all three interviews. The most common information search methods were talking to trusted sources like friends, family, and co-workers. And the other most common way was to look up their problem on Google and see if others have this issue or if there is a way to solve them. Search terms are usually limited to the first page of results and trusted websites only but some of the interviewees did not say.
Reported Findings: In my interviews, I found that this need I presented overwhelmingly exists, but the actual product I suggested was met with mixed reviews and some problems I had not initially thought of were brought to my attention. The product was praised for its practicality and that if it worked effectively, could potentially solve drunk driving accidents completely. I also found that the idea of trying to implement laws in which drunk driving offenders were required to purchase one was met with support. I had thought of some of the problems that were suggested such as another friend using the breathalyzer just to start the car for someone else and of getting certain people who need the product the most to not only identify themselves as a risk but actually take action and buy one. One problem that I found that I had not thought of previously was the matter of trust between parent and child. Letting your child have a car and go off to college means freedom, and that the parent trusts they will make the right decisions for themselves. Forcing an installed breathalyzer attachment on your child's car can be seen as the parent not trusting you and believing that you would have poor enough judgement to actually drive under the influence. I can see how a teen can take offense to this and how it can slightly sour relationships within the family.
Conclusion: This is the right market segment for this product. Parents want the best for their children and if I can fix some of the issues presented to me, and change the perceived image of a product like this from one of distrust between parent and teen to just a product meant for precautionary measure, I am certain that this product can thrive in this market segment.
Need Awareness: The unmet need is guaranteed safety, or as close to it as possible, for new drivers or college students who are prone to go out frequently, from parents who are very concerned about the possibility of their kids driving while under the influence or being driven by someone who is drunk. Above anything else, the safety and well-being of their children is the most important thing for most parents, and a product that takes huge steps in ensuring safety and protection from one of the top killers of teens and young adults is bound to answer this need.
Information Search: When asked about how they gather information when searching for a solution to a problem or need, i received very similar answers across all three interviews. The most common information search methods were talking to trusted sources like friends, family, and co-workers. And the other most common way was to look up their problem on Google and see if others have this issue or if there is a way to solve them. Search terms are usually limited to the first page of results and trusted websites only but some of the interviewees did not say.
Reported Findings: In my interviews, I found that this need I presented overwhelmingly exists, but the actual product I suggested was met with mixed reviews and some problems I had not initially thought of were brought to my attention. The product was praised for its practicality and that if it worked effectively, could potentially solve drunk driving accidents completely. I also found that the idea of trying to implement laws in which drunk driving offenders were required to purchase one was met with support. I had thought of some of the problems that were suggested such as another friend using the breathalyzer just to start the car for someone else and of getting certain people who need the product the most to not only identify themselves as a risk but actually take action and buy one. One problem that I found that I had not thought of previously was the matter of trust between parent and child. Letting your child have a car and go off to college means freedom, and that the parent trusts they will make the right decisions for themselves. Forcing an installed breathalyzer attachment on your child's car can be seen as the parent not trusting you and believing that you would have poor enough judgement to actually drive under the influence. I can see how a teen can take offense to this and how it can slightly sour relationships within the family.
Conclusion: This is the right market segment for this product. Parents want the best for their children and if I can fix some of the issues presented to me, and change the perceived image of a product like this from one of distrust between parent and teen to just a product meant for precautionary measure, I am certain that this product can thrive in this market segment.
Friday, February 16, 2018
11A - Idea Napkin No. 1
1. My name is Matthew Walsh, I am a first year University of Florida student, and my major is currently General Business, i have yet to decide what in the business field I want to study, but I am currently exploring my options and hope to decide by my sophomore year. My talents that can help me in a career in business include communication and public speaking skills, and skills in Microsoft Office programs such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. My aspirations include starting my own business or at least becoming a part of a small business and helping to expand it. If i were to pursue my business concept, I would be fully dedicated to its cause, as well as the business side of the operation. If I could develop this product that had the potential to save thousands of lives, and have it be a business success, I would consider that the greatest success in a business career, and if I were lucky enough to be in that position, It would be a huge part of my life and something I can see myself being very passionate about.
2. I am offering to customers a product that can save their lives, the lives of others, and can deter them from making a huge mistake while vulnerable to the poor decision making effects of alcohol. The product would function as a breathalyzer and it would be an attachment in the car, that would require a successful use to start the vehicle, between the hours of 10 PM and 4 AM, when most drunk driving occurs. Those who feel they are a risk of drunk driving, or parents worried about their kids making this poor decision, would be the most likely target market for a product like this. And, if successful, can prevent thousands of deaths per year and hopefully eradicate drunk driving entirely.
3. I would target two different types of people for this product, specifically, people who feel they are a risk to driving under the influence, such as those who party or go out to bars frequently, and consume a lot of alcohol. This could also mean someone who already has driven drunk before and were charged for it, one of my goals for this product would be for it to be a required purchase in law for someone who already has one DUI offense to their name. My other target market would be concerned parents of young teen drivers or those going off to college and are bringing a car. Parents want to ensure the safety of their children on the road and this would be a helpful product in making sure these teenagers and young adults do not make the mistake of drunk driving. What both of these market segments have in common is their concern for the safety of either themselves or a loved one, and is willing to take action.
4. I would hope that the consumers would care about what this product could mean for themselves and for others. This has the potential to save thousands of lives and completely solve a huge issue in the United States today. I am confident that consumers would be willing to pay for a product that can have such a profound effect on the world. Buying this product not only protects yourself from drunk driving, but others will see it too, and the product will spread and become more popular, and successful, further helping to solve this issue. People want to feel that they are making a difference and this is something they could buy to contribute to that.
5. What sets this apart is that there is not anything like this currently being made that has reached a large market, they have products similar to this, but they do not work on ally types of vehicles, and are widely unknown about. My product would be marketed to the right audience, and through then would spread to other markets. I would personally stress the societal benefit of this product and through careful marketing strategies and advertisement, along with a superior product in terms of accuracy, timing, size, and practicality, my product would be different and more successful than ones currently on the market today.
My product has the potential to be a big success, due to its practical use and how beneficial it can be to society, but there are flaws that I see that can hinder the success of a product like this, from my interviews regarding this product, it is clear to me, that those that feel they are a risk to drunk driving, or those that are a risk and will not admit it, or deny it, may stray from purchasing something like this out of embarrassment or just will not bother. Not everyone will acknowledge the societal benefits to it. But, i have confidence in the market of parents with teenage children, parents will spend money to ensure their child is safe and this is a perfect product to help parents feel they are in control of their child's safety and well being.
2. I am offering to customers a product that can save their lives, the lives of others, and can deter them from making a huge mistake while vulnerable to the poor decision making effects of alcohol. The product would function as a breathalyzer and it would be an attachment in the car, that would require a successful use to start the vehicle, between the hours of 10 PM and 4 AM, when most drunk driving occurs. Those who feel they are a risk of drunk driving, or parents worried about their kids making this poor decision, would be the most likely target market for a product like this. And, if successful, can prevent thousands of deaths per year and hopefully eradicate drunk driving entirely.
3. I would target two different types of people for this product, specifically, people who feel they are a risk to driving under the influence, such as those who party or go out to bars frequently, and consume a lot of alcohol. This could also mean someone who already has driven drunk before and were charged for it, one of my goals for this product would be for it to be a required purchase in law for someone who already has one DUI offense to their name. My other target market would be concerned parents of young teen drivers or those going off to college and are bringing a car. Parents want to ensure the safety of their children on the road and this would be a helpful product in making sure these teenagers and young adults do not make the mistake of drunk driving. What both of these market segments have in common is their concern for the safety of either themselves or a loved one, and is willing to take action.
4. I would hope that the consumers would care about what this product could mean for themselves and for others. This has the potential to save thousands of lives and completely solve a huge issue in the United States today. I am confident that consumers would be willing to pay for a product that can have such a profound effect on the world. Buying this product not only protects yourself from drunk driving, but others will see it too, and the product will spread and become more popular, and successful, further helping to solve this issue. People want to feel that they are making a difference and this is something they could buy to contribute to that.
5. What sets this apart is that there is not anything like this currently being made that has reached a large market, they have products similar to this, but they do not work on ally types of vehicles, and are widely unknown about. My product would be marketed to the right audience, and through then would spread to other markets. I would personally stress the societal benefit of this product and through careful marketing strategies and advertisement, along with a superior product in terms of accuracy, timing, size, and practicality, my product would be different and more successful than ones currently on the market today.
My product has the potential to be a big success, due to its practical use and how beneficial it can be to society, but there are flaws that I see that can hinder the success of a product like this, from my interviews regarding this product, it is clear to me, that those that feel they are a risk to drunk driving, or those that are a risk and will not admit it, or deny it, may stray from purchasing something like this out of embarrassment or just will not bother. Not everyone will acknowledge the societal benefits to it. But, i have confidence in the market of parents with teenage children, parents will spend money to ensure their child is safe and this is a perfect product to help parents feel they are in control of their child's safety and well being.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Assignment 9A - Testing the Hypothesis Part 2
Who: After interviewing five more unique individuals, I was able to figure out which types of people made up my boundaries and which types lie outside them. The people that were in my boundary and felt they were in need or would purchase a breathalyzer installed in their car, were what I expected, college students who go out to bars and parties frequently, and have their own cars. Also, I had figured that a concerned parent of a college student or of a young adult with an affluent nightlife would be in this boundary and my suspicions were confirmed. Yet I also found some people that fall into this demographic or a similar one, fall outside the boundary.
- One of my interviewees was a college freshmen here at UF, but what separated him and many other individuals like him from other college students that feel they are a risk to drinking and driving is their access to their own vehicles. Many freshmen do not have their own cars on campus, therefore, they believe cannot be a risk for drunk driving. Many of them do go out to bars and parties as well, but rely on Uber, or walk, or some other transportation service to get home, so they feel as if they do not currently have the need for a way to keep safe from drunk driving
- Another group of people that i found felt exempt from this need yet, i thought they would not be, were those college students or young adults that did not go out as much, but still did sometimes. Speaking on behalf of people similar to the girl I interviewed, she said that those that do not go out as much were at a much lower risk of drinking and driving, solely because they just do not have the opportunity to have the chance to, as often as others. Even though it only takes one time to cause great harm driving under the influence, these individuals feel as if they are not a risk of doing so simply because of their infrequency to go out.
What: I had just assumed that drunk driving was a result of people driving drunk solely for convenience, whether it was because you have no other way to get home, or because you did not want to leave your car somewhere and get it later, but, from what I found in a past interview, drunk driving can also be a result of someone, likely high school teenagers or college students, attempting to prove how "cool" they are or skillful they are to their friends behind the wheel while drunk. The breathalyzer can stop those driving alone if they are drunk, but in a car with friends, there always could be a possibility of someone else passing the breathalyzer test, and then a different individual actually drive the car. You cannot rule out anything, and peer pressure, and bad choices like this is especially common in the age groups that are most likely to have drunk driving incidents.
Why: Those outside the boundary, feel they are not part of the group that would consider themselves risks to drunk driving and should get this product, because of their belief that they will rarely, or never, be in a situation where they have a choice to drive under the influence or not.
Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary
WHO: College students who understand College students and young
that they are a risk to drive drunk adults that feel as if they
and feel they should protect themselves do not have the resources or
from making bad decisions when drunk go out enough to be a risk
WHAT: To Protect people vulnerable to To prevent people from
drinking and driving from making drinking too much so they
a bad decision that can have serious cannot drive their cars home
WHY: Too many people are dying each To stop accidents from occuring
year from the reckless decisions To maximize safety on the roads
made by those who are drunk and To ensure responsible alcohol
decide to put people's lives at risk consumption
8A - Solving the Problem
Driving while under the influence kills thousands of people a year, and currently, there is not enough being done to combat this problem. in 2016, over 10,000 people were killed and over 250,000 were injured from drunk driving or because of someone else drunk driving. Strict laws and penalties, and frequent TV commercials meant to deter you from drunk driving, are not doing enough to successfully eradicate this problem.
My product would be an alcohol breathalyzer attachment that can be installed in any car that prevents the car from starting until it is successfully used, at certain hours of the night, when most drunk driving incidents occur. There is something similar to this available but it is not widespread or widely used, and cannot work for all types of automobiles. This would be an ideal product for those who are at risk of drinking while driving, or for parents buying their kids a car and wanting to make sure they act responsibly. Another possible concept would be, if possible, to enact rules and regulations that can be put in place for offenders of driving under the influence to be required to purchase one.
If this product was created that can be installed into any type of automobile, was accurate and effective in its purpose, and was not time consuming, it would most certainly be popular among consumers and could drastically decrease the number of deaths and injuries per year resulting from drunk driving. This would have the potential to solve one of the biggest killers of teens and young adults today as well as make driving on the roads at any time safer for everybody.
If this product was created that can be installed into any type of automobile, was accurate and effective in its purpose, and was not time consuming, it would most certainly be popular among consumers and could drastically decrease the number of deaths and injuries per year resulting from drunk driving. This would have the potential to solve one of the biggest killers of teens and young adults today as well as make driving on the roads at any time safer for everybody.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Assignment 7A: Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1
Driving under the influence prevention
Over 10,000 people are killed annually from either drinking and driving, or from someone else getting behind the wheel while under the influence.
The Who: Those who drive while under the influence, get in the car with someone who is, or are placed in a situation where this may occur
The What: People who drink and drive are at risk of hurting or killing themselves and others, and it needs to be stopped
The Why: People are put in situations where it would be easier to drive than to get somewhere through any other means so they make a bad choice and put peoples lives in danger
Testing the Who: Many poeple have this need all over the world, no one is really safe from drunk drivers. Although those who are most likely to be affected or drive under the influence are those who attend parties, nightclubs, bars, or are out driving late at night, and of course those who believe that there is no problem in doing this.
Testing the What: Drinking and driving is one of the nations leading killers and we must isolate what the problem boils down too, whether its peer pressure or the inability to make good decisions when under the influence
Testing the Why: People drink and drive because they believe that they have the ability too and are unaware of the possible consequences of their actions when they do at that moment.
Interview 1:
I interviewed a college freshmen girl who goes out to parties and bars frequently. She told me that she has never personally driven while drunk and to the best of her memory had never been in a car with a driver who had been drinking previously, but she mentioned that she has seen it happen before, leaving parties and the bars. When asked, she says she regrets not speaking up more when she sees people make these bad decisions and that the root of the problem is most likely people having their decision making sense diminished and driving home is easier than calling a taxi or Uber and having to figure out what to do with their own car.
Interview 2:
I interviewed a high school junior who also frequently goes out and i was told that early on when kids are just starting to get their licence and become more comfortable behind the wheel, they are more likely to make bad decisions while driving. He told me he never drove drunk but had been in the car with a friend who had and that this was very common. Many of the people he knew had done it once or twice and sometimes had even bragged about their ability to drive well while under the influence. He confided in me that this concerns him and that may do not know the consequences of their actions, and if you have done it once, you are more likely to do it again.
Interview 3:
I interviewed a middle aged man who was very adamant in his belief of stricter drunk driving punishments to deter would be offenders. He had never had an experience himself where had drunken and drove or was with someone who had but was very well versed on the facts. He said he understood exactly how dangerous it can be for those who do it and for others and has seen too many awful news stories about accidents caused by this to count. When I proposed my idea of a standard car breathalyzer to start a vehicle at certain times of the night he supported it and believed that would be a big step in the right direction.
Interview 4:
I interviewed a male fraternity pledge here at UF, and he was not surprised with the statistics about drunk driver deaths I told him. He explained to me that since most places he goes to is very close to campus, that he does not need a car and won't even take his own, rather opting to spend the money on an Uber or one of the many transportation services UF offers. But he has seen this problem far too frequently in high school, even admitting to have driven while he should not have on one occasion. He said that he chooses not to take his car when he goes out on the weekends because he does not want to risk making this mistake again, and maybe causing serious consequences this time. He said he does support the idea of a breathalyzer for your car and would get one for himself, but seemed unconvinced that many people he knew would get ones for themselves too.
Interview 5:
My last interview was with an early 20's female, who had not gone out too much while in college, but enough to have seen drunk drivers leaving the bars and driving on the road. She was often dissuaded from going out for this particular reason, saying it was easier to say in and be safe rather than not knowing how she was going to get home. Not too many people she knew, to her knowledge, had drunken and drove at one point in their lives but she was aware of the problem based on the common news stories we all hear about, regarding accidents and deaths from drunk drivers. Again she said she would support a breathalyzer, but was skeptical to its popularity and whether even that would fully stop this issue.
Reflection: What I know now about the opportunity that I did not know before was that many people were willing to absolve themselves from blame fir their actions or the actions of their friends but also say how serious they believe the issue of drunk driving is. I found that everyone I talked to was willing to buy a breathalyzer that would be needed to start your car at certain times of the night, yet felt like others would not buy it. I think one of the roots of this big problem of drunk driving is that nobody wants to take personal responsibility. Everybody knows the consequences of driving while under the influence, and that it is dangerous ans wrong, but somehow the rules are different when it is themselves behind the wheel or one of their friends. There needs to be a way we can stop drunk drivers permanently because television commercials and statistics are not reaching people. It is time that we crack down on this issue and start making a product that acts as a breathalyzer that will not start your car unless you test sober at certain times of the night. There should also be incentives for those who have one so more people will buy them. We need to remind people that this is not something to be normalized, but a crucial issue and we can prevent thousands of deaths every year.
Over 10,000 people are killed annually from either drinking and driving, or from someone else getting behind the wheel while under the influence.
The Who: Those who drive while under the influence, get in the car with someone who is, or are placed in a situation where this may occur
The What: People who drink and drive are at risk of hurting or killing themselves and others, and it needs to be stopped
The Why: People are put in situations where it would be easier to drive than to get somewhere through any other means so they make a bad choice and put peoples lives in danger
Testing the Who: Many poeple have this need all over the world, no one is really safe from drunk drivers. Although those who are most likely to be affected or drive under the influence are those who attend parties, nightclubs, bars, or are out driving late at night, and of course those who believe that there is no problem in doing this.
Testing the What: Drinking and driving is one of the nations leading killers and we must isolate what the problem boils down too, whether its peer pressure or the inability to make good decisions when under the influence
Testing the Why: People drink and drive because they believe that they have the ability too and are unaware of the possible consequences of their actions when they do at that moment.
Interview 1:
I interviewed a college freshmen girl who goes out to parties and bars frequently. She told me that she has never personally driven while drunk and to the best of her memory had never been in a car with a driver who had been drinking previously, but she mentioned that she has seen it happen before, leaving parties and the bars. When asked, she says she regrets not speaking up more when she sees people make these bad decisions and that the root of the problem is most likely people having their decision making sense diminished and driving home is easier than calling a taxi or Uber and having to figure out what to do with their own car.
Interview 2:
I interviewed a high school junior who also frequently goes out and i was told that early on when kids are just starting to get their licence and become more comfortable behind the wheel, they are more likely to make bad decisions while driving. He told me he never drove drunk but had been in the car with a friend who had and that this was very common. Many of the people he knew had done it once or twice and sometimes had even bragged about their ability to drive well while under the influence. He confided in me that this concerns him and that may do not know the consequences of their actions, and if you have done it once, you are more likely to do it again.
Interview 3:
I interviewed a middle aged man who was very adamant in his belief of stricter drunk driving punishments to deter would be offenders. He had never had an experience himself where had drunken and drove or was with someone who had but was very well versed on the facts. He said he understood exactly how dangerous it can be for those who do it and for others and has seen too many awful news stories about accidents caused by this to count. When I proposed my idea of a standard car breathalyzer to start a vehicle at certain times of the night he supported it and believed that would be a big step in the right direction.
Interview 4:
I interviewed a male fraternity pledge here at UF, and he was not surprised with the statistics about drunk driver deaths I told him. He explained to me that since most places he goes to is very close to campus, that he does not need a car and won't even take his own, rather opting to spend the money on an Uber or one of the many transportation services UF offers. But he has seen this problem far too frequently in high school, even admitting to have driven while he should not have on one occasion. He said that he chooses not to take his car when he goes out on the weekends because he does not want to risk making this mistake again, and maybe causing serious consequences this time. He said he does support the idea of a breathalyzer for your car and would get one for himself, but seemed unconvinced that many people he knew would get ones for themselves too.
Interview 5:
My last interview was with an early 20's female, who had not gone out too much while in college, but enough to have seen drunk drivers leaving the bars and driving on the road. She was often dissuaded from going out for this particular reason, saying it was easier to say in and be safe rather than not knowing how she was going to get home. Not too many people she knew, to her knowledge, had drunken and drove at one point in their lives but she was aware of the problem based on the common news stories we all hear about, regarding accidents and deaths from drunk drivers. Again she said she would support a breathalyzer, but was skeptical to its popularity and whether even that would fully stop this issue.
Reflection: What I know now about the opportunity that I did not know before was that many people were willing to absolve themselves from blame fir their actions or the actions of their friends but also say how serious they believe the issue of drunk driving is. I found that everyone I talked to was willing to buy a breathalyzer that would be needed to start your car at certain times of the night, yet felt like others would not buy it. I think one of the roots of this big problem of drunk driving is that nobody wants to take personal responsibility. Everybody knows the consequences of driving while under the influence, and that it is dangerous ans wrong, but somehow the rules are different when it is themselves behind the wheel or one of their friends. There needs to be a way we can stop drunk drivers permanently because television commercials and statistics are not reaching people. It is time that we crack down on this issue and start making a product that acts as a breathalyzer that will not start your car unless you test sober at certain times of the night. There should also be incentives for those who have one so more people will buy them. We need to remind people that this is not something to be normalized, but a crucial issue and we can prevent thousands of deaths every year.
Assignment 6A: Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends
1. Stocks hit new records and some investors get queasy
Source: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2018/01/09/stocks-hit-new-records-and-some-investors-get-queasy.html
This opportunity was one I found while browsing the economics section of the Fox News online news page. I believe an opportunity exists for those to make money by being able to understand the stock market and have a good idea of the upcoming trends. Being able to understand that this growth is unsustainable and that the stocks are likely going to turn for the worse, can help you make money off this investment.This opportunity is likely easy to exploit since so many people are involved in some way, in the stock market.
The prototypical customer is likely one that is familiar with the way the stock market works and frequently checks on it to try and figure out trends or when the best time to cash out instead of risking keeping your investment in a stock that will likely decline sooner or later.
I saw this opportunity and I am sure many others who read this did as well, but certain people may try and hold off on taking their money out and waiting to see how long this growth can last before losing money when the stock plummets. People who are more savvy with their investments are likely able to understand the stock market better and take out their investment while their ahead and not risk losing everything.
2. America gets a raise: Wage growth fastest since 2009
Source: http://money.cnn.com/2018/02/02/news/economy/january-jobs-report-2018/index.html
This opportunity I discovered on CNN's online web page, and the article exemplifies an important economic trend currently happening in the US. I believe an opportunity exists for those looking to find employment or enter the work force. Now would be the best time to look for a job or find a better job since the economy is doing so well and wages for workers is growing across the entire country.
The prototypical customer are those that are searching for a better job that pays more, or those looking to enter the work force. Teenagers are a prototypical customer as they are constantly searching for minimum wage jobs to pay for college or a car and this would be a perfect time to get a job because these business are more likely to offer raises or hourly wages above minimum wage right now.
I am sure that most people that read this can see the opportunity being presented, for me, having already worked a few minimum wage jobs, I understand how much an hourly raise would mean and this would convince someone like me to be sure to secure a job in this economy now, instead of those who have never had a job and do not understand the scope of importance and how big an impact this economic trend can have.
3. Strengthening protections for the Social Securities Beneficiaries Act
Source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr4547
This opportunity I found on gov track and I believe the opportunity exists because most people want full protection and payout in their social security and the bill is currently being reviewed by the House of Representatives. If passed, this would provide an excellent opportunity for those looking to retire without worrying about their social security payout being slashed or reduced in any way.
The prototypical customer would most likely be someone looking to retire but unsure of whether to do so yet in fear of their social security benefits not fully coming in. An opportunity like this would be very difficult to exploit because it is the government that gets the final say in whether this regulation passes or not.
I saw an opportunity here and I believe others who are familiar with our government and can get an ideal estimate of the likelihood of this bill passing, that now can be the most optimal time to retire and receive social securities benefits as this law will likely be passed in the house and senate and be signed by the president.
4. Mortgage Choice Act of 2017
Source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr1153
This opportunity I also found on Gov track and I can see an opportunity here for those looking to buy a home or living space and needing to place a mortgage down. Or those currently employed as mortgage brokers. This would provide an excellent opportunity for those who want to buy a home but are dissuaded by the confusion of placing a mortgage and what that entails.
The prototypical customer would be one looking to buy a home and wanting to hire a mortgage broker. The Bill, if passed, clears up definitions and truths in the paperwork of a mortgage transaction and so it would be easy to exploit this opportunity if you are a mortgage broker by selling thus point and gaining more business.
I saw this opportunity that I do not think many others would see, because this is a bill that would be passed without making any headline news so not many would know about it, and also because it is a difficult opportunity to exploit just because the amount of people who can use this to an advantage is minimum.
Source: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2018/01/09/stocks-hit-new-records-and-some-investors-get-queasy.html
This opportunity was one I found while browsing the economics section of the Fox News online news page. I believe an opportunity exists for those to make money by being able to understand the stock market and have a good idea of the upcoming trends. Being able to understand that this growth is unsustainable and that the stocks are likely going to turn for the worse, can help you make money off this investment.This opportunity is likely easy to exploit since so many people are involved in some way, in the stock market.
The prototypical customer is likely one that is familiar with the way the stock market works and frequently checks on it to try and figure out trends or when the best time to cash out instead of risking keeping your investment in a stock that will likely decline sooner or later.
I saw this opportunity and I am sure many others who read this did as well, but certain people may try and hold off on taking their money out and waiting to see how long this growth can last before losing money when the stock plummets. People who are more savvy with their investments are likely able to understand the stock market better and take out their investment while their ahead and not risk losing everything.
2. America gets a raise: Wage growth fastest since 2009
Source: http://money.cnn.com/2018/02/02/news/economy/january-jobs-report-2018/index.html
This opportunity I discovered on CNN's online web page, and the article exemplifies an important economic trend currently happening in the US. I believe an opportunity exists for those looking to find employment or enter the work force. Now would be the best time to look for a job or find a better job since the economy is doing so well and wages for workers is growing across the entire country.
The prototypical customer are those that are searching for a better job that pays more, or those looking to enter the work force. Teenagers are a prototypical customer as they are constantly searching for minimum wage jobs to pay for college or a car and this would be a perfect time to get a job because these business are more likely to offer raises or hourly wages above minimum wage right now.
I am sure that most people that read this can see the opportunity being presented, for me, having already worked a few minimum wage jobs, I understand how much an hourly raise would mean and this would convince someone like me to be sure to secure a job in this economy now, instead of those who have never had a job and do not understand the scope of importance and how big an impact this economic trend can have.
3. Strengthening protections for the Social Securities Beneficiaries Act
Source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr4547
This opportunity I found on gov track and I believe the opportunity exists because most people want full protection and payout in their social security and the bill is currently being reviewed by the House of Representatives. If passed, this would provide an excellent opportunity for those looking to retire without worrying about their social security payout being slashed or reduced in any way.
The prototypical customer would most likely be someone looking to retire but unsure of whether to do so yet in fear of their social security benefits not fully coming in. An opportunity like this would be very difficult to exploit because it is the government that gets the final say in whether this regulation passes or not.
I saw an opportunity here and I believe others who are familiar with our government and can get an ideal estimate of the likelihood of this bill passing, that now can be the most optimal time to retire and receive social securities benefits as this law will likely be passed in the house and senate and be signed by the president.
4. Mortgage Choice Act of 2017
Source: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr1153
This opportunity I also found on Gov track and I can see an opportunity here for those looking to buy a home or living space and needing to place a mortgage down. Or those currently employed as mortgage brokers. This would provide an excellent opportunity for those who want to buy a home but are dissuaded by the confusion of placing a mortgage and what that entails.
The prototypical customer would be one looking to buy a home and wanting to hire a mortgage broker. The Bill, if passed, clears up definitions and truths in the paperwork of a mortgage transaction and so it would be easy to exploit this opportunity if you are a mortgage broker by selling thus point and gaining more business.
I saw this opportunity that I do not think many others would see, because this is a bill that would be passed without making any headline news so not many would know about it, and also because it is a difficult opportunity to exploit just because the amount of people who can use this to an advantage is minimum.
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