My product consists of a breathalyzer attachment that can be permanently placed into any type of vehicle and be required to successfully use between the hours of 10 PM and 4 AM to start the car, the times of the night when most drunk driving incidents occur.
I have identified two market segments of people who would buy this product. One group of people would be those that go out often, are young and relatively new to driving, and may consider themselves a risk to drunk drive, or have driven under the influence before. My other target segment, and the one I feel is more prominent, includes concerned parents of high school or college aged kids that are just learning to drive and are afraid of their children making a poor decision.
The forces in the environment creating this opportunity would be the growing amount of drunk driving related deaths and occurrences happening today. Drunk driving related deaths are one of the most common killers of teens and young adults and it is a growing problem that needs to be seriously dealt with.
Geographically, this product can be sold anywhere, drunk driving is not just a problem in some areas and not in others. It is a widespread issue that can be a problem in any location. Demographically, it is more common for young adults and teens to be involved in drunk driving related incidents, therefore it is best to market this product in stores where many people who are around the age of a parent with a teenager or young adult would shop at in order to maximize revenue and profits.
There is no current way customers are satisfying this need right now. The only thing stopping peoploe from driving drunk is their own discipline and awareness for their own safety, the safety of others and the fairly strict laws we have in place right now.
This opportunity has the potential to be huge. Driving under the influence is one of the biggest killers of teens and young adults today and currently there is nothing concrete stopping these incidents from happening. If I had a sensible and practical product that worked how I described it too and those in my target markets were aware of this product, it would be a huge success financially, and save countless of lives as well.
The window of opportunity will be open as long as people are still driving cars and alcohol is still legal. The window will not be closing anytime soon, This is a growing issue, and this solution would be useful and popular among people for a very long time to come because drunk driving will always be something that is going to happen unfortunately, but this can be a great way to slash those death numbers severely.
If I were able to sell my product exactly how I wanted it to be, it would be a surefire financial success and make my business very profitable. The goal for my breathalyzer would be to have a few key features that would make it stand out from others and be a practical solution to the problem I am trying to solve: drunk driving.
My product would be small and not take up that much room, so it does not seem like a hindrance to the driver or look unappealing in anyway. This would be the best case scenario for the product, but I may need to work around the fact that this can be difficult to achieve in getting perfect function related use and in the way it looks.
I would like the breathalyzer to be able to function accurately and consistently and make it so after you breathe in it, it displays a clear number that shows the blood-alcohol level currently being tested, and function in a way so that a successful use would start the car and a failing use would make it so the car cannot be started until a successful use is drawn or until the time is out of the zone of use, (10 Pm - 4 AM)
My last feature of the product I would like to see is ability to be attached to any type of vehicle, this would probably require some sort of Bluetooth or wireless connection in order to work for any type of vehicle, but once its connected, cannot be disconnected unless through a way that can only be accomplished away from the car, therefore someone cannot drive home drunk by bypassing the system.
Venture Concept:
This product will solve the problem of drunk driving because it makes driving the car physically impossible if you are drunk in the time period listed. It would allow a better chance of safety for the would be driver and other innocent people out there on the road.
I am unsure if anyone would buy this for themselves because they feel like they are a risk to drunk driving but I think if the government got involved and made it so offenders have to get one for a lowered charge, then this would very much sell to this group. Also, I know that concerned parents of their kids would buy this because this guarantees safety of their kids and to most parents, there is nothing more important or a bigger priority.
There does not seem to be any actual competitors that have an established brand selling this product right now so if I market this correctly, I can be the only brand that does this that people will know about.
The packaging should be small to stress the fact that this product is practical and not a hindrance to safe drivers and the distribution needs to be in stores where middle aged parents commonly shop, such as retail stores like Home Depot, Walmart, and auto shop stores preferably.
I would need manufacturers for me and to rent warehouse space in order to make this product, I would market extensively through advertisement because awareness is key for this business and then I would meet with retailers to convince them that they need this product in their stores.
1. My unfair advantage I have over others is that this problem is a very big one and there is no current solution out there that can also work as a profitable business. If people knew about my product, it would be a huge success since the problem is so widespread.
2. My next venture regarding this product would be to possibly work with companies trying to develop a breathalyzer for THC, since marijuana is legal in many places now and can also hinder someones ability to drive.
3. I want to be successful enough with this business to be able to grow other businesses and maybe try and continue attempting to solve large scale problems with products that can serve to make me money too.
The Feedback I received since the last venture concept post was very helpful and informative. What has been brought to my attention is perhaps my unrealistic standards for the product, In all of my assignments to date, I have talked about my product being designed to fit in any vehicle, be small enough to not look like an eye sore, and be completely accurate and reliable. Now I know that we are just concept testing at this point, but should I try and pursue this business plan into an actual project, I have not thought about and would be unprepared should my product not be able to reach the high expectations I have for its capabilities. I would need to reevaluate how I market this business and I would need to learn how to solve issues like this that pertain to design flaws or weaknesses in the product that other competitors can make better than mine,
I have also received feedback regarding flaws in the way that the product operates, with certain scenarios being brought up such as the car not starting while stranded in a bad area. These are considerations I need to think about and decide whether the product design is worth altering to atone for the possible inconvenient or dangerous outcomes that can result from a failed breathalyzer test. With that said, I altered my venture concept to reflect these uncertainties in the design and maybe make my product a little more realistic with its manufacturing. I may have been too realistic with the extent of its capabilities.
Its great that you were able to learn from others and able to improve you idea. It definitely makes sense to test it before selling it since it is a matter of peoples lives and safety. Overall I love your idea and I wish you best of luck in your future ventures.
ReplyDeleteI like that you were able to take constructive criticism, but continue to see the need for something like this. You are coming from a good place and want to help out in an area that affects so many people. Even if it is not with this product, maybe there is something else that you can come up with. Maybe there is another way to attack this problem that constantly creates such tragic circumstances. I'm not sure what will come of your idea, but stick with it...
ReplyDeleteTesting before selling is definitely something you'd need to figure out. I can tell you are extremely passionate about this product and your business in general. You did a great job explaining your plan in this assignment. Learning from others and using that feedback is the best way to improve your products and business in order to be as successful as possible.